Student Development Cell
Programe Officer : Dr. R. B. Sonawane
Introduction :
The Student Development Cell (SDC) supervises the Development activities of the students of the college. SDC promotes and co-ordinates the different student activities for better corporate life. SDC tries to nurture students' mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality and to make them civilized Indian citizens ready to compete in the globalized world.
List of the Committee Member
Sr. No. | Name of the Committee Member | Designation |
1. | Dr. Prakash N. Chaudhary | Chairman |
2. | Dr. A. D. Jadhav | Teachers representative (Lady) |
3. | Mr. Sanjay Kakade | Social Worker |
4. | Dr. Ramdas B. Sonawane | Student Development Officer |
List of Student Council Election
Sr. No. | Name of the Committee Member | Designation |
1. | Dr. Asha Jadhav | Chairman |
2. | Dr. M. K. Sanap | Member (ANO) |
3. | Dr. R. B. Sonawane | Member (SDO) |
4. | Mr. Mithun Tribhuvan | Member (Sports) |
5. | Ms. Sonia Kadam | President |
6. | Murtuza Chawala | Secretary |
7. | Ms. Siyona P. Sawant | Member |
8. | | Member |
9. | | Member |
10. | | Member |
11. | | Member |
12. | | Member |
13. | | Member |
14. | | Member |
15. | | Member |
16. | | Member |
17. | | Member |
18. | | Member |
19. | | Member |
20. | | Member |
21. | | Member |
22. | | Member |
23. | | Member |
The main objective of the scheme is to develop a student as a multifaceted personality with academic excellence and a commitment to an egalitarian society. India lives in her villages and to bridge the gap between rural Bharat and urban India, this scheme is basically undertaken for the benefit of students coming from the rural areas, who are economically backward, intelligent, and meritorious but cannot afford higher education, needy and financially hard pressed. It inculcates in the student the idea that no work is big or small and develops a work culture with the right aptitude. This is a vision of keeping our youth gainfully employed as well as to contribute from civil society. This is a paradigm shift in the way we see higher education. This will make higher education accessible and available to the poor, meritorious and the marginalized.
The scheme is at present being undertaken at the post-graduate level and the graduate level in the college. Under this scheme those students who are interested in joining are to fill the necessary application form, which is then scrutinized by an appropriate committee. The students enrolled under the scheme are given the following types of work namely office work, technical work and field work. However when the distribution of work is given it is seen that all students get equal opportunity to get all different kinds of work and that each student gets eighty percent of technical work and twenty percent of fieldwork. Office work includes working at the Library or any other office of the institute. Technical work includes knowledge of computers, office machines such as photocopying etc. or even working at a telephone booth, while field work includes working in the garden, looking after newly planted trees, play grounds, cleanliness of the campus etc. Each student is expected to work for three hours daily. Students working under this scheme are paid an honorarium of Rs.45 per hour.
Startup and Innovation Cell
Head : Dr. Manohar K. Sanap
Coordinator : Dr. Mariam Noronha
Introduction :
The Startup and Innovation Cell of the College was established in 2019 under the aegis of the Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Enterprise, SPPU. The Cell aims at nurturing the spirit of enterprise in our students and provides our students with a platform to interact with entrepreneurs through workshops, visits, panel discussions, contests, etc.
Startup and Innovation Cell, Core Committee:2020-21
Sr. No. | Name of the Cell Member | Designation |
1. | Dr. Asha Jadhav | I/C Principal |
2. | Dr. Manohar. K. Sanap | Head |
3. | Dr. Mariam Noronha | Coordinator |
4. | Mr. Rohan Aaron | Student Member |
5. | Mr. Taher vohra | Student Member |
6. | Ms. Radhika Sharma | Student Member |
7. | Ms. Ritu Sharma | Student Member |
8. | Mr. Akshat Mandalgi | Student Member |
Startup and Innovation Cell College Level Working Committee:2020-21
Sr. No | Name of the Cell Member | Designation |
1. | Ms. Sumedha Datta | Student Member, CWC |
2. | Mr. Dhruv Gorakh | Student Member, CWC |
3. | Mr. Rohan Pawar | Student Member, CWC |
4. | Ms. Maithili Anamika | Student Member, CWC |
5. | Mr. Raghuvir Singh Devda | Student Member, CWC |
Summary of Activities 2020-2021
- 5th June, 2020 : Webinar on “How Entrepreneurs are Riding the COVID-19 Wave” Speakers: Ms. Sunanda Verma Bhatta, Co-Founder, The Daftar, Pune and Mr. Yogesh Shinde, Co-Founder, Bamboo India, Pune
- 6th June, 2020 : Webinar on “Humanising Brands” Speaker: Mr. Dhruv Talwar, General Manager, Corporate Brand, Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (Organized by The Startup and Innovation Cell and Department of Marketing)
- 19th September 2020 :Webinar on ‘Sports: Lessons in Leadership, Team-work & Entrepreneurship' Speaker Ms. Diva Daruwala, alumna of the College.
- 16th October, 2020 : Orientation for Students Speaker: Dr. Mariam Noronha, Coordinator, S&IC, NWCC 19, 27, 28 and 31 October, 2020
- 19 October, 2020 :CA Amrut Deshmukh, The Booklet Guy, Mission Make India Read spoke on “Social Entrepreneurship”
- 27 October, 2020 :Mr. Ujjwal Gulati, Founder, Mindfulness with Mandalas spoke on Career Interests Driven by Self Awareness and Purpose
- 28 October, 2020 :Ar. Anita Tikkoo, spoke on Doing what you Love-A Conversation with an architect, food blogger and sustainable living advocate
- 31 October, 2020 : Ms. Sonal Singh, Co-Founder, Fittr, spoke on Winning Mindset
- 26-30 October, 2020 :Dr. Mariam Noronha attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Building Startup and Innovation Centres” from 26 October, 2020 to 30 October, 2020 organised by MHRD and UGCHRDC, SPPU
- 6 and 7 November, 2020 :Workshop on “Business Lean Canvas Model” Resource Person: Ms. Sunanda Verma Bhatta, Co-Founder, The Daftar, Pune
- 5 December, 2020 :Intra-collegiate Start-up Idea i2e Contest Judges- (1) Mr Yogesh Shinde, co-founder of Bamboo India, (2) CA Vaibhav Jain, a business & life coach and also teaches CA Intermediate level students, (3)Ms Anandita Mitra, was invited as a panelist in capacity of being an alumna of our college and is currently working as Sales Manager in Decathlon, Wakad.
- 18 December, 2020 :Mr. Akshat Mandalgi and Mr. Pritesh Jain of SY.B.Voc participated in The Innovation Challenge The Transformation of Zero to One Original Pitch by Navyuvak Entrepreneur.
- 2 and 3 February, 2021 :Ms. Radhika Sharma of TY BBA participated in Learnathon 2021, a Two Day National Level Hackathon being organized by the Innovation and Incubation Centre of St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bengaluru.
- 6 and 7 February, 2021 :Dr. Mariam Noronha and Mr. Rohan Aaron attended E-Summit 2021 organized by IIT Bombay.
- 16 February, 2021 :2 teams from our College Mr. Akshat Mandalgi and Pritesh Jain of SY.B.Voc and Ms. Sumedha Datta and Ms. Radhika Sharma of TY BBA participated in the cluster-level contest organized by CIIE, SPPU.
- 21 February, 2021 :The team led by Ms. Sumedha Datta qualified for the Finale of the i2e Contest organized by CIIE, SPPU. Mr. Akshat Mandalgi and Pritesh Jain of SY.B.Voc qualified for the final round of The Original Pitch by Navyuvak Entrepreneur.
- 24 to 26 February 2021 :The team led by Ms. Sumedha Datta participated in a boot camp organized by CIIE, SPPU in preparation for the finale of the i2e contest.
- Compilation of GOI Schemes for funding Startups Download
Programe Officer: Dr. Appaso M. Kalel
The NCC Unit of the College aims at fostering self-confidence, discipline, teamwork and leadership. It also seeks to provide basic military training up to the level of infantry section. The military training that the NCC cadets get enables them to join the Indian Army.
Empower volunteer youth to became potential leaders and responsible citizens of the country
To develop leadership and character, qualities, mould discipline and nurture social integration and cohesion through multi-faceted program conducted in a military environment.
- Reach out the youth through various institutions.
- Make NCC as an important part of the society.
- Teach positive thinking and attitude to the youth.
- To be an important source of national integration by making NCC as one of the greatest cohesive force of our nation irrespective of any caste, creed, religion or region.
- Mould the youth of the entire country into a united secular and disciplined citizen of the nation.
- Provide an ideal platform for the youth to showcase their potential in nation building.
- Instill spirit of secularism and united India by organizing national integration camps all over the country.
- Reach out to the youth of friendly foreign countries through youth exchange program (YEP).
The NCC is a responsive, learning and continuously evolving organization. Its activity is guided by certain core values that we endeavour to instil among all ranks of the NCC. These include the following:
- sense of patriotic commitment to encourage cadets to contribute to national development.
- Respect for diversities in religion, language, culture, ethnicity, life style and habitat to instil a sense of National unity and social cohesion.
- Abiding commitment to learn and adhere to the norms and values enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
- Understanding the value of a just and impartial exercise of authority.
- Ability to participate in community development and other social programme.
- A healthy life style free of substance abuse and other unhealthy practices.
- Sensitivity to the needs of poor and socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.
- Inculcating habits of restraint and self-awareness.
- Understanding the values of honesty, truthfulness, self-sacrifice, perseverance and hard work.
- Respect for knowledge, wisdom and the power of ideas.
How to Join NCC
Eligibility Conditions
- Citizen of India or a subject of Nepal.
- Bearing good moral character.
- Enrolled in an educational institution.
- Meets the prescribed medical standards
- Age: Senior Division/Wing (Boys/Girls) - Upto 26 years.
- Enrolment Period: Senior Division/Wing (Boys/Girls) - 3 years
Application for Enrolment:
1. A student desirous of being enrolled in the Senior Division shall apply to the Officer Commanding of the nearest NCC Unit; while a student desirous of being enrolled in the Junior Division should apply to the Headmaster/Principal of the school in the prescribed form.
There is provision for students desirous of enrolling in NCC even from educational institutions that are not enlisted as NCC sub-units. In this provision of ‘Open Category’, the student needs to approach the Commanding Officer of the nearest NCC Unit for further guidance. The students can thus avail NCC training from institutions that are already NCC< sub-units, subject to following conditions:-
The educational institution in which the student is studying should not be having NCC.
The educational institution in which the student is desirous of undergoing NCC training should be placed under an NCC unit that has been declared an “Open Unit” by the Competent Authority.
This scheme assists in extending Senior Division/Senior Wing coverage to those 10+2 schools which have only Junior Division functioning in those schools and Senior Division unit cannot be allotted due to some reason or the other. Further, it lends an opportunity to those certificate holders, who wish to obtain ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificates and do not have NCC in their colleges.
Application for Enrollment
- A student desirous of being enrolled in the Senior Division shall apply to the Officer commanding the unit.
- A student desirous of being enrolled in the Junior Division shall apply to the Headmaster of the school providing the unit or part thereof.
- The Officer, to whom an application under sub-rule (1) has been made, shall cause the applicant to fill up and sign in his presence a statement in Form I.
- The Headmaster to whom an application under sub-rule (2) has been made shall cause the applicant to fill up and sign in his presence a statement in Form II.
Verification Details
When an application is made to a Commanding Officer or a Headmaster under rule 7, he shall satisfy himself that the application is in proper form and that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment specified in rule 5 or 6, as the case may be. The Commanding Officer or the Headmaster may make such further enquiry regarding the suitability of the applicant for enrolment in the unit or part thereof in which he desires to be enrolled, as may be prescribed in this behalf, by the State Government.
Medical Examination
Medical Examination Details
If the Commanding Officer or the Headmaster is satisfied that the application is in order, and that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment and that he is suitable for enrolment in the unit or part thereof in which he desires to be enrolled, he shall cause the applicant to be medically examined. If the Commanding Officer or the Headmaster is not satisfied that the application is in order or that the applicant fulfils the conditions of enrolment or that he is suitable to be enrolled in the unit or part thereof or the applicant is reported to be medically unfit for service in the National Cadet Corps, the Commanding Officer or the Headmaster shall reject the application and shall inform the applicant accordingly.
Method of Enrollment
- If the Commanding Officer does not reject the application, the applicant shall be accepted for enrolment in the Senior Division/Wing, and shall be required to sign a declaration in Form I. If the applicant is a minor, his father or guardian shall also be required to sign a declaration provided in the form.
- If the Headmaster does not reject the application, the applicant shall be accepted for enrolment in the Junior Division. The applicant shall be required to sign a declaration in Form II and his father or guardian shall also be required to sign a declaration in the Form.
- If the Commanding Officer or the Headmaster is satisfied that the applicant, or his father or guardian in the case of a minor applicant, understand the questions put to the applicant and consent to the conditions of service, he shall sign a certificate to that effect on the said Form, and the applicant shall thereupon be deemed to have been enrolled.
NCC Training Activities
Training Activities
- Institutional Training
- Camp Training
- Youth Exchange Programme (Yep)
- Sports
- Adventure Training
- Social Service & Community Development
Camps Training
NCC Word | Meaning |
Benefits of NCC
‘C’ Certificate Holders have taken part in Republic Day Parade, at New Delhi: NCC Cadets holding ‘C’ Certificate and taken part in Republic Day Parade at New Delhi will now be exempted from CEE (Common Entrance Examination) for recruitment into Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical /Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant and will be awarded 100% marks in lieu of CEE. Such candidates have to pass Pulmonary Function Tests, Pre-medical Test and undergo medical examination to get enrolled.
Incentives are being provided to NCC Certificate holders
NCC Certificate holders |
Sr. No. | NCC Certificate | SoldierGD Category | Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical / Technical | TradesmenCategory |
1 | A Certificate | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
2 | B Certificate | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Sr. No. | Vacancies Reserve For | Remarks |
a. | Commission in Defence Forces Training Academies | (a) Army: 100 per year in Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai for Short Service Commission Non Technical, No UPSC Exam, only SSB. (b) Navy: 6 per Course. No UPSC Exam, only Naval SSB. (c) IAF: 10% in all courses including Flying Training courses. No UPSC Exam, only Air Force SSB. |
b. | For Ors, Sailors, Airmen | 2 to 10 bonus marks awarded for recruitment. |
c. | Department of Telecommunication | Bonus marks awarded for recruitment |
d. | CRPF | NCC Cadets holding third division degree eligible for recruitment to gazette post. |
e. | Industry | Some Industries give preference to NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders for various jobs. |
Cadets Achievements
Training Year: 2018-19
- JUO Ganesh Lakde represented Maharashtra Directorate in the All India Republic Day, 2019.
- LCPL Sagar Nale represented Maharashtra Directorate in the All India Republic Day, 2019.
- Cadet Laxmee Mehra represented Maharashtra Directorate in the All India National Thal Sainik Camp.
- Cadet Santosh Mahajanwad selected and participated in the Thal Sainik Camp at IGC Level held at Amravati, Maharashtra and won 1 Gold Medal in Tent Pitching.
- SGT Ashish Buchade represented Pune Group in PRE Republic Day Camp held at Pune, Maharashtra.
- Cadet Pratik Khedekar & Cadet Krishana Thakare participated in National Trekking which was held at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh in which Cadet Krishana Thakare won 1 Gold Medal in Dance competition.
- Cadet Pratik Patil represented Maharashtra Directorate at the National Integration Camp held at Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
- SUO Sonia Kadam won 1 Gold Medal for Best Anchoring and 1 Gold Medal as All Rounder in the CATC.
- CSM Shradha Gaikwad won 1 gold Medal as Best Cadet in the CATC.
- Cadet Ravina Chavan won 1 Gold Medal in Panner Competition in the CATC.
- Cadet Vaishnavi Awale won 4 Gold Medals in the Piloting, Cultural, Best Buddy and Best Cadet Competitions respectively in the CATC.
- Cadet Rahual Yadav secured 1st position in Volleyball in the CATC.
- SGT Ashish Buchade won 2 Gold Medal, 1 Siliver Medal in the Drill Competition and 1 Gold Medal in Guard of Honor in Pre-RD Camp.
- Cadet Neha Dubey won 1 Gold Medal in Group Discussion, 1 Gold Medal in Extempore, 1 Silver Medal in 100 mts 1 Silver in 400 mts and First Position in Throw ball in the CATC./
- Cadet Rutuja Mali got 1 Gold Medal in Piloting, and 1 Silver Medal in 100 mts in the CATC.
- Cadet Sai More got 1 gold Medal in Piloting in the CATC.
- Cadet Sumit Sonawane got 1 Gold Medal in Special Talent in the CATC.
- Cadet Bipeen Dubey got 1 Gold Medal as Best Cadet in the CATC.
- Cadet Piyush Hinwar got 1 Silver Medal in 100 mts and Secured 1st position in Volleyball in the CATC.

Programe Officers : Dr. Bharat Rathod
- The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes.
- The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. Since inception of the NSS in the year 1969, the number of students strength increased from 40,000 to over 3.8 million up to the end of March 2018 students in various universities, colleges and Institutions of higher learning have volunteered to take part in various community service programmes.
The NSS Badge Proud to Serve the Nation
Motto :
The motto of National Service Scheme is NOT ME BUT YOU Benefits of Being a NSS Volunteer: A NSS volunteer who takes part in the community service programme would either be a college level or a senior secondary level student. Being an active member these student volunteers would have the exposure and experience to be the following
- 1. an accomplished social leader
- 2. an efficient administrator
- 3. a person who understands human nature
Major Activities
National Integration Camp (NIC)
NIC Organization
The National Integration Camp (NIC) is organized every year and the duration of each camp is of 7 days with day-night boarding & lodging. These camps are held in different parts of the country. Each camp involves 200 NSS volunteers to undertake the scheduled activities.
NSS Objective
- Rich cultural diversity of India
- History of our diversified culture
- National pride through knowledge about India
- To integrate the nation through social service
NSS Adventure Program
- The camps are held every year which are attended by approximately 1500 NSS volunteers with at least 50% of the volunteers being girl students. These camps are conducted in Himalayan Region in the North and Arunachal Pradesh in North East region. The adventure activities undertaken in these camps includes trekking of mountains, water rafting, Para-sailing and basic skiing.
NSS Adventure Program Objective
- 1. Promote various adventure activities among NSS volunteers
- 2. Infuse the sense of love towards the various regions of India
- 3. Enhance leadership qualities, fraternity, team spirit and risk taking capacity.
- 4. Improvement of physical and mental strength
- 5. Exposure to new vocational possibilities
NSS Republic Day Parade Camp
The first Republic Day Camp of NSS Volunteers was held in 1988. The camp takes place in Delhi between 1st and 31st January every year with 200 NSS selected volunteers who are good in discipline, March-past and cultural activities.A Contingent of selected NSS volunteers participates in the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath, New Delhi on 26th of January every year in accordance with the guidelines and requisition of the Ministry of Defence.
Objectives of NSS Republic Day Parade Camp
- Enable the volunteers to interact with fellow members hailing from various parts of India.
- Experience the tradition, custom, culture, language of all states of India.
- Provide a chance to develop overall personality of the Student volunteers.
- Constitute the bond of patriotism, national integration, brotherhood and communal harmony. National Youth Festivals National Youth Festivals are organized every year from 12th to 16th January by the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports in collaboration with the State Governments in different parts of the country. Eminent guests, speakers and youth icons are invited to address and interact with about 1500 participating NSS volunteers during the National Youth Festivals.
Objectives of National Youth Festivals
- Make the volunteers aware of the various festivals celebrated in the country
- Remind the volunteers of the cultural importance of festivals celebrated in our country
- Provide a chance to the NSS volunteers to interact with the resource person/speaker/youth icons
National Service Scheme Award
Scheme Award
The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India had instituted the National Service Scheme Awards to recognize the voluntary service rendered by NSS volunteers, Programme Officers, N.S.S. units and the university/senior secondary council.
Youth Red Cross Unit
Programe Officers : Dr. Prakash Chaudhary
Programe Officers : Dr.Bharat Rathod
Youth Red Cross has the following three
- Protection of Health & Life
- Service to the Sick & Suffering
- Promotion of National & International Friendship, to develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth
purpose of organizing
The main purpose of organizing the Youth Red Cross
- Informing youth members and others the roles and responsibilities of the Red Cross and encourage them to contribute.
- Awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
- Understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
- To enable the growth and development of, spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
- To foster better friendly relationship with all, without any discrimination.
- Junior/Youth Red Cross development plan with approach of peer education
- This is a pilot project based on YPEP (Youth Peer education approach) where youth is being trained on different topics such as RC/RC movement, fundamental principles, humanitarian values, climate change, disaster risk reduction, road safety and Hygiene & sanitation.(Indian Red Cross Society, Uttar Pradesh & Odisha State branch)
- Leaders of tomorrow project
- The school program under IPCD (INTERGRATED PROGRAM FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) programme is called "leaders of tomorrow". The project focused on Health, Disaster Preparedness, Humanitarian Values and Be safe, Outreach community programme. 79 Government schools are part of the project.( Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu State Branch)
- Junior& Youth Red Cross -Youth peer education programme on HIV/AIDS
- National /State Level Camps
- The Indian Red Cross state branches organize Junior & Youth Red Cross interstate and inter- district camps to create a friendly environment for interaction and cultural exchange. The camp allows youth to share their Red Cross experiences and learn many activities.
- The Indian Red Cross Society provides opportunities to the youth to visit international camps and participate in youth exchange programs.
Vidyarthani Manch
coordinator : Dr. Asha D. Jadhav
Vidyarthini Manch was established in the academic year 2009-2010.It was established with following objectives
- To generate awareness among girl students about physical and mental health through programmes conducted by Doctors and psychologists.
- To make girl students aware about legal issues through interaction with eminent lawyers and police officers.
- To help girl students to enhance personality and self-confidence.
- To build strong willpower to fight against sextual harrasment and to create a spirit of fearlessness.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Coordinator : Dr. Manohar Sanap
Assistant Coordinator : Dr. Bharat Rathod
The Development of technology and its uses in the field of Commerce, Economics, Finance and Management are rapidly growing. The College has established the Entrepreneurship Development Cell to develop the entrepreneurship qualities and skills and to create awareness about the avenues and various schemes to launch Startups
This cell aims to foster the entrepreneurship culture among the students and epitomize the power of innovation. Since its inception, Entrepreneurship Cell has been primarily responsible for stimulating, sustaining and supporting entrepreneurial endeavours within the campus, providing them with necessary assistance and resources. With dedicated and full-fledged support from Modern Education Society, Pune (Parent Body), the cell firmly believes in harvesting innovative ideas and intends to nurture them.
Objectives of EDC
- To provide various services and information to budding student entrepreneurs.
- To organize Workshops and Lectures periodically to create awareness about entrepreneurship in the College.
- To create entrepreneurial environment and culture in the institution and organizing various programmes related to women and weaker sections of the society.
- To foster better linkages between the Parent Institution, Industries and R&D Institutions and other related organizations engaged in promoting Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) including NGOs and other Voluntary Organizations.
- To catalyze and promote development in field of Commerce, Finance, Banking, Insurance based Enterprises and promote employment opportunities.
- To respond effectively to the emerging challenges and opportunities relating to SMEs and Micro Enterprises.
Function of EDC
- To organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes.
- To develop and introduce curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development.
- To conduct research work and survey for identifying entrepreneurial opportunities.
- To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support systems and information on various technologies
- To organize Guest Lectures, Seminars, etc. for promotion and growth of entrepreneurship.
- To arrange visits to industries for prospective entrepreneurs.
- To extend necessary guidance and escort services to the trainees in obtaining approval and execution of their projects.
- To conduct skill development training programmes leading to self/wage employment.