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Instruction to Fill Form

Scholarship website is https://mahadbtmahait.gov.in
Students need to do Registration and create their login on this website first.
After login they have to update their Profile basic details on this website.
After updating profile they have to apply for the eligible scheme as per their eligibility.

Open Category Student are applying for the Scheme Rajashri Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Fee Reimbursement Scheme (EBC) and Dr Punjabrav Deshmukh Hostel Maintance Allowance Scheme.

Last year we have 421 students for EBC and 95 students for Punjabrav Deshmukh Hostel Maintenance Allowance Scheme.
8) Students belongs to Open category, admitted through CAP Round and whose Parents annual Income during the year 2018-19 is less than Rs. 8,00,000/- are eligible for the Scheme Rajashri Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Fee Reimbursement Scheme (EBC)
9) We have already given concession in Fees to the students who are eligible for this scheme at the time of admission. Now it is mandatory to those students who have availed or wish to avail this concession that to fill in online EBC form and submit the copy of this form along with the required documents to college office. (Note students who have paid fees in full but eligible for this scheme can also apply for this scheme)
10) How to fill in online form:- For students ready reference help file is available on https://mahadbtmahait.gov.in website. Also there are some videos for student’s guidance for filling the forms. Students may refer this data and apply for the correct one scheme. Even after referring these entire data student have any other query then he/she should use Grievance option to raise the query and get the solution.
11) Students from SC/ST/OBC/VJNT/SBC Category need to apply for the scheme as per their eligibility. If any Student who fail to apply for the scheme in online and submit the same in the college, will result in he/she need to Pay the college fees which is given as a concession at the time of admission.
12) List of Required documents is available for your reference.

List of required Documents for Rajashri Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Fee Reimbursement Scheme (EBC)

1) Application form for RCSMFRS 2020-21 available on College website
2) Hardcopy of Application Form filled on Mahadbt website.
3) Photocopy of Admission Confirmation Letter
4) Photocopy of Domicile Certificate of Maharashtra State.
5) Income certificate of FY 2020-21 of Father issued by Tehsildar or Higher Authority.
6) Photocopy of undertaking of Parents stating that only 2 children in the family availing this benefit.
7) Photocopy of Fee receipt of current Academic year 2021-22
8) Photocopy of Marksheet of SSC + HSC + previous year
9) Photocopy of Students bank Account passbook
10) Photocopy of Aadhar card of student
11) Aadhar card, and bank account linking Status (This Printout to be taken from www.uidai.gov.in website) (Note:- In case of Income certificate of mother, supporting document is required e.g. death certificate of father / divorce papers, etc.)

List of required Documents for SC/ST/OBC/VJNT/SBC Category Scholarship and Freeship Application

1) Application form for 2021-22 SC/ST/OBC/VJNT/SBC Scholarship / Freeship, available on College website
2) Hardcopy of Application Form filled on Mahadbt website.
3) Photocopy of Admission Confirmation Letter
4) Photocopy of Domicile Certificate of Maharashtra State.
5) Income certificate of FY 2020-21 of Father issued by Tehsildar or Higher Authority.
6) Photocopy of undertaking of Parents stating that only 2 children in the family availing this benefit.
7) Photocopy of Fee receipt of current Academic year 2021-20
8) Photocopy of Marksheet of SSC + HSC + previous year
9) Photocopy of Students bank Account passbook
10) Photocopy of Aadhar card of student
11) Photocopy of Students Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate
12) Photocopy of Non Creamy Layer Certificate if required
13) Aadhar card, and bank account linking Status (This Printout to be taken from www.uidai.gov.in website) (Note:- In case of Income certificate of mother, supporting document is required e.g. death certificate of father / divorce papers, etc.)

Instruction for Filling MahaDBT Scholarship / Freeship / EBC Forms.

1) Scholarship website is https://mahadbtmahait.gov.in
2) Students need to do Registration and create their login on this website first. Student who has registered last year need not to create new user id, they should use the last years user id and password.
3) After login they have to update their Profile basic details on this website as below,

3.1. In Profile >> Current Course Details >> Fees Paid Enter Amount “0” and upload admission fee receipt. Only Student who have Paid Open category Fees can enter amount in Fees paid as per receipt
3.2. In Profile >> Current Course Details >>CAP ID letter >> upload Admission Confirmation Letter.
3.3. In Profile upload all Documents in Original and in proper format.
3.4. In Income Details >> Upload Income Certificate of Father of F.Y. 2020-21 >> In case of father not alive upload Income Certificate of Mother with Supporting Document Death certificate of father.
3.5. In Past Qualification >> Upload details from SSC onwards.
3.6 In Profile >> Caste Certificate >> Upload Caste Certificate with Caste Validity Certificate in single file >> first page of this file should be caste certificate.
4) After updating profile Student need to apply for the eligible scheme as per their eligibility as below

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RESULT - Login and Check in Menu < Profile