Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology was granted Academic Autonomy by Government of Maharashtra in year 1985, vide letter No. PTI/ 2483 / 119915 (234) TE-I(B), dated 27/02/1985.
The Examination Section was established in 1985.
1) Filling up of registration forms
2) Filling up of examination forms
3) Filling up of examination forms
4) Conduction of test examination
5) Conduction of Autonomy theory examination
6) Assessment of answer – books
7) Result processing
8) Result declaration
9) Arranging Convocation
SR No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. A. S. Chandak | Principal - Academic Coordinator |
2 | Prof. S. L. Gavali | I/C Controller of Examination] |
3 | Dr. A. S. Chandak | I/C Head of the Department (Computer Engg. Dept) |
4 | Dr. S. P. Thigale | I/C Head of the Department (E&TC Engg. Dept) |
5 | Dr. C N Thombare | I/C Head of the Department (Civil Engg. Dept) |
6 | Prof. U. N. Kamble | I/C Head of the Department (Mechanical Engg. Dept) |
7 | Prof. S. G. Nehatrao | I/C Head of the Department (Electrical Engg. Dept) |
8 | Mr. A. S. Abnave | I/C Registrar - Administrative officer |
9 | Mr. S. R Deosthali | Exam Clerk |